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TDS Filings

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TDS Filings

TAX DEDUCTED AT SOURCE (TDS) is a system introduced by Income Tax Department, where person responsible for making specified payments such as salary, commission, professional fees, interest, rent, etc. is liable to deduct a certain percentage of tax before making payment in full to the receiver of the payment. As the name suggests, the concept of TDS is to deduct tax at its source. TDS helps in reducing tax filing burdens for a deductee and ensures stable revenue for the government.

The deductee from whose income tax has been deducted at source would be entitled to get credit of the amount so deducted on the basis of Form 26AS or TDS certificate issued by the deductor.

Advantages of TDS:

TDS is based on the principle of ‘pay as and when you earn’. TDS is a win-win scenario for both the taxpayers and the government. Tax is deducted when making payments through cash, credit or cheque, which is then deposited with the central agencies.

When to fill TDS returns

Filing Tax Deducted at Source returns is mandatory for all the persons who have deducted TDS. TDS return is to be submitted quarterly and various details need to be furnished like TAN, amount of TDS deducted, type of payment, PAN of deductee, etc. Also, different forms are prescribed for filing returns depending upon the purpose of the deduction of TDS. Various types of return forms are as follows: Form 26Q TDS on all payments except salaries Q1 – 31st July Q2 – 31st October Q3 – 31st January Q4 – 31st May

Form No Transactions reported in the return Due date
Form 24Q TDS on Salary Q1 – 31st July Q2 – 31st October
Q3 – 31st January Q4 – 31st May
Form 27Q TDS on all payments made to non-residents except salaries Q1 – 31st July Q2 – 31st October
Q3 – 31st January Q4 – 31st May
Form 26QB TDS on sale of property 30 days from the end of the month in which TDS is deducted
Form 26QC TDS on rent 30 days from the end of the month in which TDS is deducted

What is a TDS certificate

These certificates provide details of TDS / TCS for various transactions between deductor and deductee,Example:Form 16, Form 16A, Form 16 B and Form 16 C are all TDS certificates. TDS certificates have to be issued by a person deducting TDS to the assessee from whose income TDS was deducted while making payment. For instance, banks issue Form 16A to the depositor when TDS is deducted on interest from fixed deposits. Form 16 is issued by the employer to the employee.

Form Certificate of Frequency Due date
Form 16 TDS on salary payment Yearly 31st May
Form 16 A TDS on non-salary payments Quarterly 15 days from due date of filing return
Form 16 B TDS on sale of property Every transaction 15 days from due date of filing return
Form 16 C TDS on rent Every transaction 15 days from due date of filing return

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